Install the Rakudo Star Bundle from Source


You'll need Perl 5.10 or newer, git, make, gcc, and headers for libssl. To obtain these tools:

Run: sudo apt-get install build-essential git libssl-dev


sudo yum install git
sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'

On Fedora, also run: sudo yum install perl-ExtUtils-Command

On CentOS 7, also run: sudo yum install perl-autodie perl-Digest-SHA

Run: sudo zypper in -t pattern devel_basis

Run: pkg install gcc gmake openssl

Run: doas pkg_add git p5-ExtUtils-Config

Download and install git and Strawberry Perl 5

You need perl, git, make or something similar and a C compiler. You can get all that by running:

xcode-select --install

Run: sudo apt-get install build-essential git execstack


The exact steps required may differ, depending on your operating system:

mkdir ~/rakudo && cd ~/rakudo
curl -LJO
tar -xzf rakudo-star-*.tar.gz
mv rakudo-star-*/* .
rm -fr rakudo-star-*

./bin/rstar install

echo "export PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$(pwd)/share/perl6/site/bin:$(pwd)/share/perl6/vendor/bin:$(pwd)/share/perl6/core/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

# If you wish, you can run the tests
# Depending on your machine, they could take over half an hour to run
rstar test

These instructions are for a compiler tool kit included with Strawberry Perl 5. Other compilers may have different commands (e.g. nmake instead of gmake)

  1. Download the latest Rakudo Star Bundle source .tar.gz archive
  2. Extract it into a temporary location, like C:\Temp\rakudo-star\ (7-zip can open .tar.gz files)
  3. Press Win+R, then type cmd and press enter, to open the command prompt.
  4. Run these commands to install into C:\rakudo\ directory:
    mkdir C:\rakudo
    cd C:\Temp\rakudo-star
    perl --backend=moar --gen-moar --prefix=C:\rakudo
  5. (optional) Run the test suite, which can take over half an hour to complete:
    gmake rakudo-test && gmake rakudo-spectest
  6. Run: gmake install
  7. Add to your PATH env var paths C:\rakudo\bin\ and C:\rakudo\share\perl6\site\bin
  8. Close the command prompt and open a new one. Type raku -v to test the newly-installed Rakudo works.

The exact steps required may differ, depending on your operating system:

mkdir ~/rakudo && cd ~/rakudo
curl -LJO
tar -xzf rakudo-star-*.tar.gz
mv rakudo-star-*/* .
rm -fr rakudo-star-*

cd nqp
git clone

cd MoarVM # build MoarVM
git checkout $(cat ../tools/build/MOAR_REVISION)
perl --prefix="$RAK_INSTALL_DIR"
make -j8

# Set execstack on; this is for NativeCall stuff
sudo execstack -c

# Install MoarVM
make install

cd ../ # then, build NQP
perl --prefix="$RAK_INSTALL_DIR"
make install

cd ../ # finally, build Rakudo
perl --prefix="$RAK_INSTALL_DIR"

# If you wish, you can run the tests
# Depending on your machine, they could take over half an hour to run
make rakudo-test
make rakudo-spectest

# Install Rakudo and all the modules
make install

echo "export PATH=$(pwd)/install/bin:$(pwd)/install/share/perl6/site/bin:\$PATH" \
    >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc